Alya UTM : The Best URL Builder

This URL Builder creates your UTM tags for detailed tracking within Google Analytics, and then checks your website to make sure the URLs behave correctly.

Scroll down or refer here to view some of our UTM best practices.

Best of everything, it helps Alya's AI understand better your campaigns, check us out at !

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2. Medium

Medium is the type of channel.

3. Source

Where will you place the link?

4. Targeting

Optional : What criteria are you going after (keyword/audience/demographic)

5. Campaign

Optional : What is the campaign

Optional! This UTM is useful for distinguishing creatives between the same campaign. Google uses {creative}

Best practices

We are on the lookout for the recently added utms supported by Google Analytics 4, more to come soon. Please send us more best practices if you have any other utms we should add. We can be reached out through this contact form.